Hello Everyone,
You’re invited to keep yourself in the loop.
Our website (http://www.rishoreaccess.org) has a new legal post (The Luney Ibbison Court Case: The Metonic Cycle and R.I. Shore Access) which puts an end to any intelligent support for the idea that we have to stay below the high tide line when exercising our constitutional shore privileges.
Also find posts to the Taylor Swift video story, and don’t forget to view the RISAC Perspective comments on those posts.
Most of all, get involved…an e-mail to state officials, state agencies (CRMC,DEM) or the media can stir action. Keep tuned to coastal issues and announcements to better make our case to people with who you interact.
The Beach SAMP regulations are being written at this moment at CRMC, and this is the chance to get “above high tide” written into the law.
See you at the shore,
Jim Bedell
Rhode Island Shoreline Access Coalition